In 2016, Klaus Schwab coined the term The Fourth Industrial Revolution; this month the World Economic Forum, known simply as Davos, of which Schwab is a trustee, will convene on the theme of The Intelligent Age, the more current wording for the fourth industrial revolution. It is generally thought to mean the age of AI – artificial intelligence.  Davos will be discussing the technological transformation of society, but they also say:

“For this transformation to develop rather than divide society, it must go well beyond technological advances to actually enhance human potential. It is imperative that we develop environmental, social, and geopolitical intelligence alongside technological intelligence”.

Since my field as a coach is executive leadership and leadership development, I would add the individual leader and the 71% of leaders who are saying they don’t feel prepared for the current world. What does this mean for the development of individuals and individuals who lead? My thoughts on leadership development are focused on three dynamic fundamentals of leadership requirements for today in the intelligent age.  I have named it – the Smart Mix.

  • One is the role of leader, the decision maker, visionary, motivator, and organization builder.
  • Second is the self, which can fulfill the role, be grounded and flexible, see and understand patterns, be resilient and comfortable in their skin, and have the right experience and credentials to do the work.
  • Third are a leader’s relationships, be they team, social group, business network, employees, followers, family, or their relationships to technology or nature. Do they support and help growth or do they just take time and energy?

Traditional leadership development tends to focus on the role of a leader, sometimes leader styles, or team building. It is fragmented, like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. Hence, the current popularity of executive coaching is more personal, but it doesn’t always provide a leader with a clear vision or awareness of their smart mix to achieve their goals or move into higher leadership positions to level up because it is often geared to superficial performance. 

Food for thought: What is your Smart Mix?

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